Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Family celebrates late daughter with random acts of kindness

We all need a reason to hope and pick ourselves up in our darkest hour. After tragically losing their daughter, Jovi, to SIDS in 2012, the Preston family is celebrating her second birthday by paying it forward.

They are also encouraging the community to join them and do something simple for a stranger like buy their cup of coffee, leave a dollar at a vending machine, or donate to the Inland Northwest SIDS Foundation in her honor.

"We wanted to ask people to do random acts of kindness in honor of her and in honor of her life to just try and show the world that good that she brought us," said Jovi's mom, Molly Preston.

Over 800 people and counting having taken to social media to show their support and post pictures of their good deeds for Jovi. The Preston family would love to see your acts of kindness, so if you post to social media be sure to use #jisforjovi.

If you would like to learn more about Jovi's story visit, http://www.ajournalforjovi.com/.

So why not pay it forward? You never know how far a little kindness will get you. 

By Heidi Shebaro 
Founder of "The Kindness Project in the Middle East", a teacher and a blogger

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