Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Kids Pay It Forward!

On the 3rd day of Random Acts of Kindness Week, I thought that we need to include our kids, our nephews and nieces in this beautiful act and teach them how to pay it forward.

So, if you have a kid of your own or you have a child in the family and would like to inspire them and give them an experience they will remember all their lives, talk to them about kindness and plan to do as little as one act or as many as you want.

Having a 3 years old boy myself, he might be still young to understand the whole concept, but he knows the words "gentle", "nice", "do good"... And I make sure he sees me when I do an act of kindness, because as we all know "Kids see. Kids do".

Of course there are millions acts of kindness out there to do with kids, and none have to be complicated, expensive or even take lot of time. You can simply smile to others. But I wrote a list I am planning to do with my son, maybe it will inspire you and give you more ideas.

1. Bake a dozen cookies for our local fire department and police department.

2. Decorate a tree in the entrance of our neighborhood. This has nothing to do with any religion celebration. Just random tree decorations with homemade crafts and colored pictures.

3. Give a box of candy and thank you card to our postman.

4. Color a picture and give it to an older couple in the neighborhood.

5. Make a craft and a thank you note to the school's teacher. 

6. Donate some toys to needy kids.

7. Say hello to everyone in the park.

8. Say "Thank you" and "Please". 

9. Babysit someone's kid. My son loves to have guests over.

10. We already did this one, but I would like to include it. We wrote some beautiful notes like "you are beautiful", "smile", "have a great day" and we went to stick the notes on random cars.

So this week, I would like to challenge you to do at least one random act of kindness with the kids in your family. Then, if you would like, come on back and share your acts with us in order to give others great ideas of what they can do too!

By Heidi Shebaro
Founder of "The Kindness Project in the Middle East", a teacher and a blogger

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