Monday, February 3, 2014

Grateful not hateful

Gratitude is a great transformer of misery. Gratitude is the ability to recognize the blessings in life and to be truly grateful for them. 

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend". Melody Beattie 

Have you ever asked yourself what if I woke up today with only the things I've been grateful for yesterday? Will I have one thing or everything?

As any couple, me and my husband had our ups and downs, and I never stopped being grateful for anything that happens with us. Rich or broke, healthy or sick, alone or with family.. never stop being grateful. If it didn't change the situation you are in, at least it will make you feel in peace with it. 

Take you time everyday and look at the blessings that are in your life no matter how small they are. Yes, that cup of coffee in the morning is a great blessing. That bus ride is a blessing. Don't make my mistake and take things for granted. As silly as it may sound, but I used to live in a place with a beach just 5 minutes away, and I used to complain sometimes that we go to the beach a lot. I wanted to do something different. Well God listened and put me in a place where there is no beach!! Oh I miss the old place now and regret all my complaining and will give my life for 5 minutes to go back there. 

At night, write a list of all the things that you love in your life and wants them to remain. Anything that you enjoy even if it was this bathroom in your house, or that window in the living room.. This friend of yours or that postman in your neighborhood. Appreciate everything you have.

Now the best thing about gratitude is when you share your blessings with others. And that is what "The Kindness Project in the Middle East" is all about. We are sharing our blessings of the day with strangers. We got the blessing of having lunch in a restaurant, let's buy someone a dessert. We were blessed to ride on a bus, let's give our seat to an elderly. We were able to afford a new scarf for winter, let's give our old one to someone else..

And what will you get from all that? Well, your reward will be JOY!

By Heidi Shebaro
Founder of "The Kindness Project in the Middle East", a teacher and a blogger

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