Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Hate someone? Be kind anyway

People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.

Kent M. KeithThe Silent Revolution: Dynamic Leadership in the Student Council

It is probably easier to be kind to a stranger than to be kind to someone you dislike. And it is totally understable. I mean why would you be nice to someone who is really rude to you or you can't stand him for a second?! 

Tell you the truth.. you have no choice here. When you took the decision to be kind, you couldn't say well I will be kind with so and so but not to this particular person. You either are kind or no.

So how can you work on yourself and make more efforts to be kind with people you dislike?

Remember the golden rule: Treat people the way you would like others to treat you. 

It needs lot of effort and guts from your part, but nothing is impossible. Get to know that person more, it might help you find other positive things in his character that you weren't aware of.

Take time to understand that person, his background, the environment he grew up in, his hobbies.. Stop judging and look for the good hiding inside that person.

Promise yourself that the next time you will see this person you will be kind, you will say something nice about their outfit, hairstyle, work... Or you will ask them about their day, their family, their health... And actually listen to their answer and reach out to them.

If I am asking too much from you then a simple "Hello" and eye contact will be great start. I know someone who bring small gifts to the people he dislike. Isn't it amazing?! He says: gifts brings love to both the giver and the receiver. Maybe you can try that!!

Personally, I noticed that when I stop talking about the negative in that person I feel that I am more willing to be kind to them. If you keep talking badly about someone, stop right now, and let things calm down, and I am sure you will notice a big difference.

Someone sent me a letter once telling me that she hates her mother in law, they are both from different backgrounds, both do not speak same language.. she always mention the bad things her mother in law does, but whenever she sees her she can't be rude, and she finds herself being so nice and say kind words, and take her out... She said that two things: her husband and putting herself in the mom's pants that won't allow her to be rude. She loves her husband so much that a good relation between her and his mom is indispensable. And thinking of her boys when they grow up and get married, what if her daughters in law were rude to her!! Karma is real. What goes around, comes around.

Do you have a co-worker you dislike? Do you have a neighbor you can't deal with? Try one of these methods and tell me how it goes.

By Heidi Shebaro
Founder of "The Kindness Project in the Middle East", a teacher and a blogger

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