Sunday, January 26, 2014

Say YES!

I noticed myself using the word "No" lately too much especially with a 3 years old boy in the house. That is quite normal when you have kids but I feel like I use it more often with adults nowadays. 

Have you ever felt that you say "No" to everyone? Are your conversations more negative? 

Realizing that you do is a huge step to fixing things. Reorganize your thoughts and think before you say your answer. Words can transform lives. You can hurt someone or heal someone by using those words. 

From now on, I choose to be an affirmative person. I will say positive words, encouragement and supportive words without any expectation of anything in return. I will be generous with my words of affirmation to my husband, my family, my friends, and to my colleagues.

Next time someone at school or work or in your neighborhood asks for a volunteer to help do something or make something happen, just say "yes". Don't invent excuses. Just say yes. You will feel great about yourself. 

When your neighbor asks you to babysit their child for an hour, just say yes. Being affirmative is a very powerful tool. It will change people's feelings towards each others.

When your spouse asks you to go somewhere or do something, just say yes. And see how your relation will become much better.
You want to take this challenge with me. Try for a whole week to say yes to everyone who ask you to do anything. And let me know how it goes. You can also write every night before you sleep 3 positive words. This will change your attitude to a more positive one - Trust me!

  By Heidi Shebaro
  Founder of "The Kindness Project in the Middle East", a teacher and
  a blogger

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