Sunday, January 26, 2014

Imagine our Arab World

How important is this practice of "Random Acts of Kindness" in our Arab World? Some people might say" it is a nice idea". Yet it's not just a good idea, researchers found that doing kind things for other people makes us happier ourselves.

When I was 13 years old, I had to change my long-time school. I had to leave my old friends and teachers behind and move on. On my first day, I was so anxious and all I wanted is to go home. But, one student came and sat next to me. I still remember her smile, and on lunch break, we spent time together talking and laughing. I found out that changing my school was the best thing that ever happened in my life because I met new friends and touched new sparkles of kindness. Sometimes all it takes is a smile to make someone's day. And that is what we need in the Arab World. 

We need to stop talking about politics and religion and start talking kindness. Imagine everyone is doing random acts of kindness, wouldn't be the world so beautiful to live in?! 

Imagine your neighbor baking cookies and bringing it to you when you are sick! Imagine your co-worker sending you encouragement message before a presentation! Imagine you forgot your phone in a taxi and the driver brings it back to you! Just imagine...

And the best thing about it is that kindness is free, so sprinkle it everywhere and if you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours!!

Lead by example! Show someone there's hope in our Arab World.

By Heidi Shebaro

Founder of "The Kindness Project in the Middle East", a teacher and a blogger

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